Sunday, September 16, 2007

Out with my bro...

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"WAR" is the original name in the west.

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"Rogue Assassin" is what we call it, in Asia.

Yeah, i'm a fan of Jet Li. Thats why i'm consider fast in catching his shows.
*Provided if i didn't do OT*

It's great today.

Its been a long time that i've not been watching shows with my bro. YESH!!!, my real life bro, my sibiling.

Anyway... Guess what!!! Before the movie starts, i bump onto my 2 best buds(almost lost in touch lo) LoL.

Lic and Nix... haha~! old friends le... eLo~! to ya both... ^^

Lic ar... u shocked me when u almost scream my nick out loud. I was like OMG... So many people were looking, like as if i'm a *.... nvm ...." =x hahaa~!

Was happy to see my old pals... Do catch up when we have time ya? ^^

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