Friday, October 26, 2007

Must See... Funny...


I want my money

Type: Entertainment. / Status: Good to Go. / Loading Speed: Fast.


This is a must see Video that I'll recommend. You'll definitely watch it over and over again.


Baby Ally Whatever

Type: Entertainment. / Status: Good to Go. / Loading Speed: Fast.


Soo Cute... Look at her reactions and how she says it... >.<


2005 Miami U. Cheezies a cappella: Facebook Song

Type: Entertainment. / Status: Good to Go. / Loading Speed: Fast.


This i can say... A best selling marketing business strategy. It'll also make you
laugh too. Haha~!


Mad TV - Ms. Swan - Drive Thru

Type: Entertainment. / Status: Good to Go. / Loading Speed: Fast.


This you gotta listen to it carefully... Feel like slapping her. Haha~!


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