Friday, October 26, 2007

Any Musicians Interested in getting a Flute?

Hello all...

I was wondering, if any Musicians out there are interested in getting/change or even doing a collection on Flutes?

As I have here with me, a Flute.
Which was bought at around 6yrs ago and was used for less then a month only.

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As you can see... It is now still in tip top condition.

It has a Sterling Silver Body, Armstrong 80B and a Gold Plated Mouthpiece.
And also, it comes along with a Case.

It was bought at around over SG$1.8K.
and its now going at around SG$1.7K (Price Negotiable)

If interested. Please Contact me by Tagging on my blog/Email me or perhaps you could also contact Edmond by tagging to him too.

Will be very much appreciated if any of your friends were interested and could contact us too. Thanks ^^

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