Tuesday, September 18, 2007

KTV + Visit to NUS Hostel (over night)

It all started about 2wks ago when a bunch of friends whom never GET OUT Together as a group before.

And so... its their first time. Got out and catch a movie "Ratatouille" while i'm an extra. LoL!

We made a deal to KTV + being invited to Ruoling's NUS's "Buaya week" where you'll get to see the ladies chasing the guys and the guys chasing the ladies.

Here are the *UNCUT* Photos of the eventful day.
Friday 14th Sept'07


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Da Ladies (Ruoling, Weina aka Nana and Junhui aka junjun)

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Da Guys (Andre aka *Audry the shemale* and me) LoL~!

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Best Duet Couple

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Non-stop laughing... =.="

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Abish~! WAKE UP!!! LoL...

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U-wHoo!!! i'm Awake... Hahaa~!

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MEeee~! (what a sudden shot)

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SOOO RUDE!!!! I'm Singing, almost want to cry liao and you're playing a fool... !@#)*@#&$^

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Watcha looking at!!! *Smack you ah..*

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Da Sisters

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LOOK!!! 1 High 1 Low...

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Hey!!! Am-i-sexy-or-waddd??? LoL~!

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Where's Andre?

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There he is... but where am i? (LoL! lame... we took chance to be da photographer)

@ NUS's Hostel

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Just outside of the lift' beside the button. You'll SEE..... (ROFL...)

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ON THE OUTSIDE~! Simple decoration for Buaya week.

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ON THE INSIDE~! Crazily designed and very "ZOR TENG(Hokkian)" Meaning: Extra la. LoL!

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Left, to...

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Centre bottom, to...

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Centre top, to...

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NUS Hostel's Corridor. (Totally like a HOTEL + CHALET lor ...)

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Ruoling's Crib...

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Finally... Next day morning!!!

Hahaa~! was really great hanging out with ya all... Really had fun and enjoied that day. Thx ya all for making it so fun...

Thou we've planned for this gathering before Junhui flies back to carryon her degree.
But i still hope we'll gether soon enough before her flight nxt wk.

Then again... we'll plan for more... Of coz not forgetting, together with Junhui after she graduate there and return to OUR Hometown, SINGAPORE. Yeah???

To all of you... All the best in ya studies.

Study hard oh...

You guys made me wanted to study even more... I'll too work hard and study hard too~! ^_^

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