Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busying with Studies

Illustrator *Horoscope Me*

An image of myself with thousands of layerings... and i did it with Layers over layers like siao... and finally created this.. -_-" I'm totally going crazy over with Illustrator... But it was an accomplishment..

I think i started to like playing with Illustrator... Computer Art is so interesting... Haha~! but damn.. -.-" Why sch assignment don't allow us to use photograph like Photoshop... made me start from scratch and using around 12hrs of 3days... *grumble grumble grumble*

Well... been very busy with my own studies -_-" ... so sorry for no much update... Haha~! many completed works... Only manage to post up this 1 image for now. but still, got alot more to do... -___-"

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